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Thankful, Grateful and Blessed


Those three words come to mind when we think of 2021. We are thankful for each one of our board members, volunteers, sponsors, friends and partners of the Jacksonville-Onslow Sports Commission. It has been a year of challenges that we have had to adapt and overcome.

Scott and myself truly feel grateful to be part of this organization that has tremendous support from our caring community. We both are transplants from other states but Onslow County has quickly become our home away from home and we’re proud to promote it wherever we go.

Our organization is blessed to have the support from the groups listed above. Our board members commit years to our organization, sometimes getting up before the sun comes up, working in the harsh weather to help with our events. Our volunteers sometimes travel over an hour from MCAS Cherry Point just to help with one of our races. Our sponsors believe in what we are doing and it is shown in their continuous years of financial support of our events. Our Friends of JOSC supporters are essential for us to have the financial support when considering bidding or creating new events for our area. With the growing number of events on our schedule, we need all the support we can get. Lastly, we have partners that help us accomplish our mission of fostering economic impact through sports in Jacksonville and Onslow County. Onslow County Government, City of Jacksonville, Jacksonville Tourism Development Authority, Onslow County Tourism, Jacksonville Recreation & Parks, Onslow County Parks & Recreation, Swansboro Parks & Recreation, Jacksonville-Onslow Economic Development, Jacksonville-Onslow Chamber of Commerce, Onslow County Schools, MCB Camp Lejeune, MCCS Lejeune-New River, Semper Fi & America’s Fund, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and many more!

What began in 1999 as an idea has flourished into an organization that has been around 20 years working to put Onslow County on the map in the sports tourism world. We couldn’t do it without the support of the groups listed above.

-Marisa Reeder, Assistant Executive Director

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